The Cluster of Ecological Transition of the Balearic Islands has celebrated this Thursday, July 6, its
Ordinary General Assembly corresponding to the first half of 2023. The event, held in
the Teatre Municipal de Lloseta, has had more than thirty representatives of the
companies and organizations associated with the Cluster. The event has been a meeting space and
Discussion in which participants were able to share ideas, knowledge and experiences
related to the transition to a more environmentally friendly future in the Islands
The General Assembly of the TEIB Cluster has proclaimed the general director of TIRME, Rafael
Guinea, as the new president of the entity. Lucas Pastor, business development
of Estel Ingeniería y Obras, has been appointed vice-president I and Llorenç Bauzà, representative
of EMAYA as vice president II, while Borja Pons, director of El Gas, will be the new
treasurer of the Cluster. The advisors Pepe Novas and Iñaki Miranda are ratified in their function.
Next, the new additions to the Cluster have been presented, such as: INTI Energía,
G-Ener, ECT Projects, Poraxa, UNED and TrueWorld Organization. All of them have been able to
present your most relevant initiatives that your companies have carried out to contribute to
the improvement of the sector in the Balearic Islands.
Thus, the complete list of current members of the TEIB Cluster would be: Acciona Generación
Renewable, Alcort Ingienería, ASINEM, Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, COEIB, ECT Projects, El
Gas, EMAYA, Endesa, Estel Ingienería y Obras, G-Ener Soluciones Energéticas, Institut Balear
de l'Energia, Inti Energia Projectes, Poraxa, Red eléctrica de España, REDEXIS, Robot, Sampol,
TIRME, Trueworld Organization, UNED, UIB y Urbia Intermediacion Ingenieria y Servicios.
Another item on the agenda was the approval of accounts and activity report
of 2022. The technical general secretary of the TEIB, Marta Pons, has been in charge of making the
Presentation of the economic information of the cluster, with the end of the 2022 financial year, and the
activities carried out in the same year. These reports have been approved by
Unanimity on the part of the attendees.
In addition, thanks to the collaboration of its new member, TrueWorld, the Assembly will measure and
will offset its entire Carbon Footprint in all its categories, being an example of
scope and commitment aligning TEIB actions with climate action objectives
Through this platform and blockchain-based technology, the entire
real-time information to obtain the Carbon Neutral certificate issued by the Nations
United, local conservation projects of the Balearic Sea will be supported and dissemination will be given to
initiatives that foster the transition towards more sustainable and responsible economic models.
At the end of the Assembly, a meal was held in which attendees could continue the
conversations and establish professional links. In addition, a technical visit to the
Lloseta Green Hydrogen Plant, framed in the European project Green Hysland, which
offered participants the opportunity to get to know first-hand the innovators
technologies related to the generation of clean and renewable energy.
About Cluster of Ecological Transition of the Balearic Islands TEIB:
The Ecological Transition Cluster of the Balearic Islands aims to promote
transition to a low-carbon economy, driving innovation and collaboration in
key areas such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility,
electrification of the economy and protection of the environment.
For more information, visit the website:
Press contact: Marta Pons Nieto, 663107075,